According to the statistics of the Ministry of transport,up to now,there are 1.39 million taxis in China,with a daily passenger volume of nearly 100 million.In addition,online car Hailing is more popular in the first and second tier cities,while the third and fourth tier cities are still dominated by taxi calling."Yangzhao taxis will not disappear,and the offline orders of cruisers still account for a large proportion."Li Gang,vice president and Secretary General of China Transportation Association,said.
In the past few years,under the tide of online car hailing,the number of people waving for taxis on the road has decreased."At the same time,I registered several online car Hailing platforms,which one can grab the order and run.In addition,I also have some lists to get to and from the airport,so I don't stop much at the end of the day."Zhang Zheng said.
Compared with Zhang Zheng's luck taking big orders,Wang Bing,a taxi driver 1000 kilometers away,has been renting in Xi'an for more than five years."I didn't plan to run for a taxi for the first two years.I was not only tired but also hard to earn money.Now when the car terminal is used,there are more orders.You can know which area nearby has more orders and the number of taxi passengers From Wang Bing's words,we can feel that he is very satisfied with the job.
Wang Bing's car terminal actually refers to the"smart travel system"that goes online.Through the"smart travel"entrance on the terminal of the vehicle,the driver can receive the order,understand the riding conditions of nearby passengers,comprehensively measure the pick-up distance and their own operation conditions,and choose whether to receive the order by one button.
At the same time,passengers'online orders can be sent to the terminal screen of all empty cars nearby,which not only reduces the waiting time of passengers,but also allows drivers to access more orders.
Dida travel intelligent travel system helps the traditional taxi industry digital transformation and upgrading through technology empowerment and mode innovation,further improves the income of taxi drivers and reduces the empty driving rate.For passengers,reduce the waiting time,reduce anxiety,ride experience is more quality.It also provides a starting point for taxi company management.
At present,Dida travel intelligent travel system is not available in many cities,but it has made a breakthrough in Xi'an.It is believed that with the promotion of Dida travel,intelligent travel system will soon be popularized throughout the country,benefiting more travel users and taxi drivers.