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Experts and industry representatives discuss how 5G Internet of vehicles will reshape smart travel

   Release date: 2022-05-24     Hits: 165    Comment: 0    
Note: A seminar on 5G Vehicles Reshaping Smart Travel, jointly organized by Xinhuanet.com and the School of Transportation Sci
 A seminar on 5G Vehicles Reshaping Smart Travel, jointly organized by Xinhuanet.com and the School of Transportation Science and Engineering of Beihang University, was held in Beijing on Aug 25. The seminar focused on the major changes in the field of intelligent travel brought about by 5G-enabled onboard Internet in the context of the new infrastructure wave. Experts and industry representatives were invited to discuss the development trend of vehicle networking in the era of intelligent interconnection of the Internet of Things and jointly explore a new chapter of China's intelligent travel.
China is a great transport country. In order to achieve a strong transportation nation, information and intelligent media play an important role. Among them, the Internet of vehicles is an important starting point to support the construction of a powerful transport country. Driven by the "Smart Vehicle Innovation and Development Strategy" and the strategic deployment of new infrastructure, 5G vehicle Internet has ushered in important development opportunities.
The picture shows tian daxin, deputy dean of the school of transportation science and engineering, and a young cheung kong scholar giving a speech < / p>
At the conference, Professor Tian Daxin, Deputy dean of The School of Transportation Science and Engineering at Beihang University, Professor Yang Zi, Tian Daxin, introduced "Edge Computing and Vehicle Internet". He said that at present, several countries have completed the verification of key technologies for the Internet of vehicles in accordance with typical application scenarios. The development needs of the next generation of transportation systems are collaborative insights, autonomous decisions, and ubiquitous services. There is an urgent need to overcome the two great challenges of communication support and IT support. The integration and development of 5G technology, vehicle mobility interconnect scenario application and on-board mobility edge computing technology will jointly build the next generation vehicle network system.
5G features high speed, high reliability and low latency. Internet of vehicles is one of the biggest application markets for 5G technology. In early July, the R16 version of the 5G standard was frozen, providing the way for internet-connected smart vehicles to move toward autonomous driving.
The picture shows Ge Yuming, deputy director of the Standards Institute of China Information and Communication Technology Research Institute, delivering a speech
Ge Yuming, deputy director of the Institute of Technology and Standards of the China Academy of Information and Communication Technology, said the Internet of Vehicles is not only the birth of 5G for vertical industry applications, but also a typical application field of the Internet of Things. The vehicle Internet is an important guarantee for the intelligence and connectivity of the traditional transportation infrastructure. He believes that c-V2X's "three legs" and "four legs" promote research and development cooperation between industries, and effectively verify the effectiveness of China's C-V2X standard full protocol stack.
The picture is a speech by Meng Pu, chairman of Qualcomm China
"In the automotive sector, Qualcomm has more than 15 years of continuous innovation by Qualcomm and over 100 million vehicles using Qualcomm technology. C-v2x is realizing the realization of automobile and automobile, automobile and pedestrian, automobile and network and transportation. The coordination of infrastructure plays a decisive role. Qualcomm will continue to lead the development of technology through continuous innovation
Extensive and in-depth cooperation with partners in China's automotive ecosystem to jointly usher in a new era of safe, efficient and intelligent travel in the future. Vehicles cover a wide range of industries such as communications, electronics and transport, which in particular require enhanced industry coordination. At the conference, representatives of the automotive Internet industry chain, technology solution providers and R&D platforms from automakers discussed the future of the industry.
The picture shows Wang Bo, deputy director of the National Connected Intelligent Vehicle Innovation Center, making a speech
With the development of intelligent connected automobile industrialization, Dr. Wang Bo, assistant general manager of National Intelligent Connected Automobile Innovation Center, believes that it is necessary to establish a new innovation system for intelligent connected automobiles. Coordinated development, fully relying on national policy guidance, the formation of China's intelligent connected automobile industry chain technology strategy. Consensus, give full play to the leading role of cross-industry innovation platform, consolidate basic research, improve the level of infrastructure, promote the test application, form the entire intelligent ecology of automobile industry network.
The picture shows Mr. Wu Dongsheng, senior vice president and general manager of Strategic brand of Gao Sen Technology Group, delivering a speech
Wu dongsheng, senior vice president and general manager of strategic brands of Goldman sachs technology group, said that 5G car networking is closely integrated with Goldman's intelligent transportation business. Intelligent transportation has a lot of communication elements, which Gao Shun company has made a beneficial exploration. At the meeting, he introduced 5G car networking to realize autonomous driving and intelligent transportation. "We look forward to jointly promoting the development of 5G car networking in China, which will not only serve our autonomous driving industry and help it arrive earlier, but also achieve deep integration with the industry. The current intelligent transportation system, "wu said.
The picture shows Li Yan, senior director of Technical standards of Qualcomm, delivering a speech
Currently, Qualcomm is working with partners in the automotive ecosystem to accelerate the commercialization of C-V2X technology. According to Li Yan, senior director of technical standards at Qualcomm, c-V2X not only solves the problem of digitization of transportation facilities, but also can further improve vehicles' perception of the environment and environment based on this function. Associated road participants, generating many new businesses and improving traffic. Travel experience and safety. "Today, C-V2X is being tested in China, South Korea, Japan and Europe. I'm proud to say that Qualcomm has participated in all c-V2X tests, which also shows that C-V2X improves security. Traffic efficiency ".
Nowadays, the trend of automobile intelligentization is irreversible, and automobile manufacturers also actively embrace the "four modernizations" of automobile. Take advantage of 5G development opportunities and cooperate with the industry. Develop vehicle Internet, explore intelligent interconnected vehicle application scenarios, and support intelligent travel.
The picture shows Zhang Yonggang, assistant director of Beijing Automotive Research Institute of Beijing Automotive Co., LTD., delivering a speech
"Supporting 5G's automotive Internet will bring important changes to the development of smart cars." At the meeting, Zhang Yonggang, deputy director of the Automotive Research Institute and head of the Intelligence department of Beijing Automobile Co., Ltd. expressed his views on how to develop smart cars with 5G. Connectivity to build a cross-border integrated collaborative development and innovation system; Second, we will build an advanced and comprehensive smart grid vehicle infrastructure system. The third is to establish a comprehensive and efficient network security system.
The picture shows zhang leiming, director of intelligent interconnection department of Great Wall auto products digital center, speaking at < br>, director of intelligent interconnection department of Great Wall auto products co., LTD. Leiming said that digitization of automobile will be realized in automobile online, human online and online services. It will generate a lot of data that automakers have never encountered before, and it will rebuild the user experience. Looking ahead, Great Wall will provide users with complete life-cycle experiences and services based on experience-driven 5G + AI technology, and create a global intelligent ecosystem. Great Wall Is transforming itself from a traditional car manufacturer into a global technology travel company.
The picture shows Wang Hongmin, deputy director of the Industrial Development Department of Beijing Shougang Construction Investment Co., LTD., delivering a speech
Can a car network live? Depends on the landing site. Beijing attaches great importance to the Internet demonstration application of key 5G vehicles, and the new Shougang Park actively promotes the construction of 5G-V2X intelligent connected vehicle demonstration. Up to 100 self-driving cars are expected to be introduced to the park by 2021, said Wang Hongmin, assistant minister of industrial development at Beijing Shougang Construction Investment Co. Shougang Park will open up real scene requirements for 5G and smart grid application companies, who will jointly create an autonomous driving test field.
The figure shows the roundtable dialogue session of the workshop
During the roundtable dialogue, some participants discussed how to deepen industrial chain cooperation and accelerate the development of 5G automobile network industry, focusing on the development opportunities brought by the new infrastructure construction wave. It is agreed that the Internet of vehicles will enter a period of rapid growth with the help of new infrastructure and other policies as well as industry demands. In the future, the development of vehicle Internet should be strengthened. Cooperation is the key to the success of iot. In the future, we must work together to explore and explore. To lead the sustainable development of Internet of vehicles.
The Internet of vehicles is closely related to people's travel life. Taking advantage of "politics", Internet scenarios for various vehicle applications are accelerating design. In order to promote the healthy development of the Internet of vehicles, make wise contributions to the construction of smart travel and transportation power, and jointly create a bright future of smart travel, the industry needs to strengthen cooperation and joint efforts.
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